Company Profile

Executive Summary

We established tuantender to accommodate the needs of companies in licensing. We have special skills that can help our clients obtain their licenses in a timely manner. in a timely manner. We take care of licenses and legalities in various fields of business including construction, structural, electrical, consultancy, mining, certificate of expertise and other legal matters. We are also open to other legalities that you can ask us about.

Manajemen Tuantender

Tuantender is currently a service business with the legal entity of a Limited Liability Company. The company was founded by Nicky Valiant, ST (Informatics Engineering) on 01 (One) February 2017. February 2017 Our company is legally established based on notarial deed number 01 by notary Eka Astri Maerisa, SH. 01 by notary Eka Astri Maerisa, SH., MH., M.Kn with the authorization of the minister of law and human rights decree number AHU-000000. law and human rights number AHU-0007152.AH.01.01. of 2017 dated February 14 (fourteen), 2017. 2017 Tuantender is domiciled in South Jakarta, Jalan TB. Simatupang no. 41, Beltway Office Park, RT 007, RW 002, Ragunan Village, Pasar Minggu Subdistrict, based on the quotation of the deed of Atrahdis Idea Nusantara GMS number 71 dated March 27, 2019, by notary Poltak Pardomuan Silalahi, S.H. in Tangerang City. Our business specializes in consultancy services, especially company legality.

Tuantender Id Best Supporting Your Company

More than forty of our clients have gone through their construction works without any legal hurdles because we are here to fulfill them. Tuantender
has been in the construction legality business for more than four years. Tuantender saves you the time and headache of dealing with construction project legalities.
construction project legalities. Join our clients so you can focus on the technical and managerial aspects of your business.
Since 2014, Tuantender started as an initiative to help fellow contractors who often experience legal obstacles. These obstacles
caused our colleagues to be unable to participate in tenders. Our experience has encouraged us to be there for you with care by establishing an in 2017 to take care of legal matters so that the tender process and project work can be carried out                                                                                                 smoothly.

Tuantender's Vision and Mission

Tuantender is a business system that serves as a one-stop service for all types of licenses and permits.
for all types of licenses, be it construction services, trade,
hospitality, entertainment services, general services, mining, plantation to manufacturing.

Tuantender creates a guaranteed and certain business climate.
Protecting your business from legal risks. Listening to our clients and
provide solutions to business needs.


Construction Category

Construction Services Business License (SIUJK)

There are three types of SIUJK depending on where your company comes from. The three types of SIUJK are divided based on the issuer of the license.
The National IUJK is issued by the local government, IUJK PMA is issued by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to the Foreign Investment Construction Services Business Entity (BUJK PMA) and IUJK BUJKA.
Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) to Foreign Investment Construction Services Business Entity (BUJK PMA) and IUJK BUJKA issued by BKPM to the representative office of BUJK PMA.
BKPM to the representative office of the Foreign Construction Services Business Entity (BUJKA). Although both have the nomenclature
nomenclature on the classification, BUJKA is different from PMA because in PMA, Foreign Parties make investments in Indonesia but in BUJKA, BUJKA is different from PMA.
in Indonesia but in BUJKA, Foreign Parties do not invest but only provide construction services to the capital owner.
construction services to the capital owner.

Electricity Support Services Business License (SIUPTL)

Legal for electricity support services is necessary for those of you who want to participate in projects in the field of power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electricity.

Business Entity Certificate (SBU)
SBU is a proof that your business competency level is formally and legally recognized. This SBU is
one of the basic requirements for issuing a Business License for both construction services and electricity services. Besides
In addition to making a license, this SBU is also one of the requirements for you to participate in tenders. If your SBU
expires, you can make an extension through Her Registration if there is no change in your SBU.
Before making an SBU, your company must have an Expert Certificate. The time period required to
to issue an SBU is one month or more depending on the queue at LPJK.
SBU has a competency level depending on the length of time your company has been established or the number/value of projects you have worked on.
you have worked on. The longer and the bigger your project, the higher the level of competency that you can certify with SBU.
certified with SBU.
Certificate of Electricity Business Entity DJK ESDM
Similar to the SIUPTL category. For electric power, a special Business Entity Certificate is required which is different from the
Business Entity Certificate in the construction category. The electricity business field has a special level that is more complicated so that this category is separate from construction services.
this category is separate from construction services.

ISO Category
ISO certification is an added value for your business to increase your competitiveness, legitimacy and authentic proof that you have a good business management.
competitiveness, legitimacy and authentic evidence that you have good business management.
management. We have three types
ISO management for you, namely:

ISO 9001: 2015

Used to legitimize your company’s business processes and quality management.
With this certification, it is ensured that your business has effectiveness in
identification, implementation and continuous improvement.

ISO 14001: 2015

Used to legitimize the management of environmental impacts caused by the company including
company including waste management, pollution and energy, water and fuel saving management.
energy, water and fuel.

OHSAS 18001: 2017

An international standard for the implementation of an occupational health and safety management system
management system in your company.

Indonesian National Standard
The Indonesian National Standard is a standard from the National Standardization Agency (BSN) that every product must have.

that is marketed in Indonesia. This SNI can only be formulated, determined, and issued by a national body that is trusted to handle it, namely BSN.
trusted to handle it, namely BSN.
SNI in Indonesia is made with reference to the international code of business practice formulated by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Trade Organization (WTO). The existence of this code of conduct is made with the hope that entrepreneurs around the world can make products that are not harmful to consumers.
make products that are not harmful to consumers.

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